We Are Hiring!
We currently have positions available to join our existing team. Please get in touch with Sabrena for more info or send your CV to...

What is Patio Settling and How Can You Prevent It?
When you invest in a beautiful patio, you expect it to provide years of enjoyment and functionality. However, one common issue that can...

How to Stop Your Patio From Flooding
Flooding can be a frustrating issue for homeowners, especially when it affects your patio area. Fortunately, there are effective...

Merry Christmas
We will be closing at 5pm on Friday 22nd December and reopening 7am on Wednesday 3rd January 2024. Wishing you all a wonderful time this...

Winter Special Offers
Check out our latest special offers.

How to Stop Weeds From Growing Between Pavers
Those pesky weeds just love to spring up between your beautifully laid pavers. Ever wondered why they seem to pop up so relentlessly?...

How to Create a Low Maintenance Garden
Whether you have a busy schedule or simply want to spend less time tending to your outdoor space, creating a low-maintenance garden can...

Sustainable Options for Environmentally-Friendly Garden Paving
When it comes to landscaping, garden paving plays a crucial role in both functionality and aesthetics. However, with the increasing...

How to Install a Gravel Driveway: A Step-By-Step Guide
If you're looking for an affordable and visually appealing driveway option, a gravel driveway might be the perfect solution. Gravel...